Public Archives

All of the documents are available from the building of the original Carnegie Library in Spirit Lake.
It’s fun to look at those papers and see,
for example, that the proposal to wire the library building was $135!

Almost one hundred years of Spirit Lake High School yearbooks are online from 1915-2013.
We are missing some yearbooks here and there though. If you happen to have any of the ones that haven’t yet been digitized, please contact us. We would love to borrow those yearbooks, digitize them, and then return them to you.
For a few years in the 1930’s, students at SLHS published a bi-monthly newspaper of high school activities called What’s What. That is also available to peruse.

All of the Dickinson County newspapers are available online from 1870 through 2021.
Spirit Lake Beacon (1870-1999),
Milford Mail (1886-1980),
Lake Park News (1916-1987),
Terril Record (1928-1956),
Milford Mail and Terril Record (1929-1998),
Dickinson County News (1999-2021).
You can browse by title, year, search word(s) or specific date(s).